First Year Competition
Calling All First Years!
We have partnered with the Office of the First Year to offer prizes to the top 3 individuals who win the Q-Week First Year Competition. You can win points for the First Year Competition by attending specific Orientation events and by participating in the Q-Week Challenge. You can sign up for the First Year Competition when you register for the Q-Week Challenge.
First Year Competition Orientation Schedule
Q-Week Sponsored Orientation Events:
Orientation Kickoff* at 11 AM
For 100 points: Submit a screenshot of the Orientation Kickoff Webinar, preferably a screenshot showing Yu Jing and I’s speech about the UA.
Pleasure Event at 3:30 PM
For 100 points: Please submit a picture of your screen during the Pleasure event featuring your thumb.
SaveTFP presents: PAL-entine’s Day! at 9 PM
For 100 points: Please submit a picture of your screen during the SaveTFP's PAL-entine’s Day featuring a mask.
An Unprecedented Event 10 PM ET
For 100 points: Submit a screenshot or picture of your screen during the Unprecedented event featuring your avatar on
For 100 additional points (200 in total): also feature Danielle Geather’s avatar.
For up to 130 additional points depending on speed (max 430 points in total): Be one of the first ten people to find Danielle Geathers on the map and ask for your secret word.
Safety on Campus* at 11: AM
For 100 points: Please submit a picture of your screen during the Safety on Campus event featuring your pinky finger.
Diversity & Inclusion Session at 1 PM or 3 PM**
For 100 points: Please submit a picture of your screen during one of the Diversity & Inclusion Session featuring hand sanitizer.
FYI: Everyone on campus should have gotten hand sanitizer in the black MIT tote bag in their room.
Confirm your attendance by submitting to this form for Day 2 by Tuesday, February 16th by 11:59 PM ET. There are examples of the photos on the form.
*Mandatory Orientation Events
** Timing depends on your Orientation breakout