Q-Week Schedule

q week Calendar.png


Tuesday, February 16th

Opening Ceremony at 7 PM

Join us on Zoom at our opening ceremony before shifting to gather.town to meet other Quads. 

Quad Intro Videos Due by 11:59 PM

Send us a video of your Quad! The video must be under 30 secs and include all members of your Quad. Say your Quad name and why you think your Quad should win Q-Week. 

In order to get submission points for the Quad Intro Video, you must have your Quad captain fill out the participation form by tonight at 11:59 PM ET. For the submissions, please mark full attendance for your Quad (ie. 4/4, 5/5, or 6/6) if you submitted a video.

Wednesday: 2/17

Bob Ross Night at 7 PM

Bring your iPad, Surface Pro or Paper and Colored Pencils to our Bob Ross Night! Relax & practice your art skills as a student-artist walks you through a tutorial.

Full Quad participation= 400 points (4/4, 5/5 or 6/6 members)

Partial Participation= 400 x (number of Quad members in attendance /total number of Quad members)

Sustain Photo due by 11:59 PM

Looking for ways to live sustainably on campus this spring? You have two options to earn points for this submission sponsored by the UA Sustainability Committee. 

  • For students living on campus:

    • Take a picture using your reusable utensils or the MIT tote provided at move-in by ResEd & MIT Dining. Post the picture as a story or text someone the picture.


  • Post the sustainability bingo from the @useandreusemit instagram page on your story or text it to a friend to promote sustainability!

    • You can find the bingo attached to this email.

Be sure to tag @ua_mit and @useandreusemit if you choose to make a post! 

Full Quad participation= 400 points (4/4, 5/5 or 6/6 members)

Partial Participation= 400 x (number of Quad members in attendance /total number of Quad members)

Each member of your Quad should take a screenshot of the post or text and submit the screenshots to this form.

Thursday: 2/18

Workout and Wellness Class at 5 PM

Come to our Full Body HIIT workout class designed for a dorm room with a student-trainer. You can choose to either participate in the workout or listen to our trainer explain the importance of cardiovascular health. 

The Wiki Game at 6 PM

Compete with your Quad against other Quads to win the Wikipedia Race. 

Door Tag Design Due at 11:59 PM

Use your creativity to create a Quad-themed door tag for your dorm room door!

Friday: 2/19

Q-Week Kahoot at 7 PM

Come win big at our Trivia night. Be ready to answer questions on all things MIT and Q-Week! Compete as an individual to win points for your Quad. 

[COVID Friends!] Sticker Design Due by 11:59 PM

Create and dress up your very own [COVID Friends!] beaver to show off your Q-Week spirit. The winning design will be made into a sticker which will be distributed to all Q-Week participants!

Saturday: 2/20

Yoga Class at 3 PM

Come to our yoga class designed for a dorm room with our student-yogi. The class will be muscle and posture oriented.

Treasure Hunt at 7 PM

Work with your Quad to scour the internet to complete the Q-Week Treasure Hunt. A document outlining the treasures will be released at 7:05 PM and the quickest Quads to find all of the treasures will win the most points. 

Meme Competition Due by 11:59 PM

Work with your Quad to make the best meme of 2021! This meme can also include a gif but has to be related to MIT in some way, shape or form. The top 5 non-explicit memes will win extra points.

Meme Contest, Workout/Yoga Class, Treasure Hunt Points:

In order to get submission and attendance points, you must have your Quad captain fill out the participation formFor the Meme Contest, put full Quad participation (ie. 4/4, 5/5, or 6/6). For the Workout/Yoga Class and Treasure Hunt, please only mark the members that were in attendance. 

Additionally, please don’t double count people who attended both the Weds Workout and Sunday Yoga session. If all of your members went to the Yoga session, you shouldn’t do the participation form for the Workout Session. 

Sunday: 2/21

Outfit Competition Photos Due by 8 AM

Are you a fashion innovator ready to explore new trends? Participate in our Q-Week Clash of the Closets! Challenge, where you and your Quad will collaborate to coordinate outfits aligned with the theme of your choice. Each Quad submits one document including each member’s outfit. The top 3 creative outfits will win points for their Quads.

Outfit submission = 500 points 

  • 1st Place: 800 points in total

  • 2nd Place: 700 points in total

  • 3rd Place: 600 points in total

Submit your designs here and track mark full participation here by 1 PM ET.

Bonus Points:
For an extra 200 points, your Quad must participate in both the MIT COVID Hack Survey and the MIT School Spirit Contest. Take screenshots of your completion of both forms and submit it here. One submission per Quad. Due 2/21 by 1 PM ET.

Closing Ceremony at 7:00 PM

Join us on Zoom at our closing ceremony to see if your Quad came out on top! We will close the scoreboard at noon to ensure the winners are surprised!

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 922 9911 9893
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Other ways to get points:

  • Submit a Spirit Week Art Submission 

  • Complete the MIT COVID Hack Survey 

*To win points from these activities, you must fill out the corresponding google forms by Saturday at 11:59 PM ET.

First Year Competition Orientation Schedule

Q-Week Sponsored Orientation Events:

  • Orientation Kickoff* at 11 AM    

  • Pleasure Event at 3:30 PM        

  • SaveTFP presents: PAL-entine’s Day! at 9 PM      

  • Safety on Campus* at 11: AM 

  • Diversity & Inclusion Session at 1 PM or 3 PM**      

*Mandatory Orientation Events

** Timing depends on your Orientation breakout