Our Mission

The Committee on Student Support & Wellbeing is committed to representing the undergraduate community in matters of support and wellness and working to sustain undergraduate wellbeing. 

Specifically, these are the goals of The Committee on Student Support & Wellbeing:

  1. To normalize support and wellness discussions and help-seeking behavior, and to reduce barriers to access for effective car, support, and information, both broadly and within key populations.

  2. To advocate on behalf of undergraduates for changes in policies and services that positively impact student support and wellness and to increase awareness of existing and available support options at MIT.

  3. To inspire the sustained, productive, and meaningful engagement of all members of the Institute  — students, staff, faculty, allied health professionals, and administrators — in student support and wellness matters.


To realize these goals, members of the committee may sponsor programs and awareness campaigns, bolster new or developing ideas from any source, serve on task forces, committees, or working groups, and remain accessible and open to key stakeholders across the Institute including students, MIT Medical, Mental Health and Counseling, DSL, S^3 and other organizations or groups of the Institute. 

Current Projects

This semester, our committee focused on both short and long term projects. Over the course of the fall, we explored ways to remind students to maintain heightened self-awareness and self-care while living under the new COVID-19 protocols. In collaboration with DSL, we focused on cultivating wellbeing messaging to supplement the public health posters found on-campus. We advised on ask.mit.edu and publicized this new resource to the undergraduate student body, with the goal of increasing resource accessibility. We also gained access to a resource flow chart and collaborated with members of UA COVID to draft a wellness survey in an effort to gain a better understanding of on-campus wellness resource utilization (including, but not limited to, MIT Mental Health & Counseling, the Violence Prevention and Response Office, and Student Support Services). 

We have also focused on a few long-term initiatives. Making MIT more equitable has been at the forefront of our minds, and has become a reality through two main projects. We are working to publicize and expand the availability of free menstrual products throughout dorms, building on our previous pilot in academic buildings. We are also constructing a toolkit of diversity, equity, and inclusion resources to (1) give students the appropriate resources to diversify their organizations and (2) connect underrepresented students to the appropriate MIT Office(s) or student group. 

Contact Us!

Reach us at ua-wellness-chairs@mit.edu!