An administration’s platform serves as its democratic mandate. As their democratic mandate, Andre and Michael’s platform is to “Bring Back MIT”.


We will bring back affordable and accessible food options. We will bring back school spirit. We will bring back student activism and equal representation. We will improve campus transportation. Together We Will Bring Back MIT.

Empowering the MIT Community. Advocating for Diversity and Inclusion. Enhancing Student Life.

COVID-19 robbed us of many aspects of our college experience, and its effects are still present on our campus today. However, with our platform, Bring Back MIT, we plan to continue the work of our predecessors but also shift focus to strengthening the fundamentals of our MIT Community while putting Transparency and Consistency at the center of what we do.

  • We are committed to ensuring that all students, both on and off-campus, are equally represented and their voices are heard. Leveraging our campus presence and interconnectedness with the student body, we will work towards creating an inclusive environment that promotes diversity and unity.

  • We will ensure that every student has access to affordable, proper nutrition by working with administration to address food insecurity and starting initiatives such as putting a food market back in Walker Memorial and increasing options around campus.

  • We will work to build MIT pride and spirit by reinstating spirit week and holding consistent community events.

  • We will address the issues of transportation by expanding current deals with Cambridge/Boston public transportation and working with our shuttle committee to improve operations and coverage for students.